Devil May Cry 4 (2008/ENG/Full RIP by Skullptura)
Devil May Cry 4 (2008/ENG/Full RIP by Skullptura) 
Year: 2008 | PC Game | Developer:Capcom | Publisher:Capcom | 2.73 GB
Genre:Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person 

Order of the Sword for a long time defended the city of Fortuna fiend, to pluck them with fire and sword. But one day during Spardosluzheniya (yes, they worship the father of Dante - the demon Sparda) Dante interrupts the ceremony, killing many of the Knights of the Sword. Nobody vsilah deal with it, people fleeing in panic and only decided to fight back Nero Sparda's son. After the fight Dante leaves the temple (to say that it drove him Nero - the language does not rotate, all the same they would meet again during the game and soon you will see that Nero is far from Dante).
However, in the temple trageliya was only the beginning of misfortunes befell the city of Fortuna. Overall open the gates of which climb the hordes of bloodthirsty monsters.
Guilty Is this Dante or evil has long been lodged in the heart of the Knights of the Sword? All of this will find you passed this wonderful game.

- Two main characters, each with its own unique set of special attacks and super methods.
- The combat system that combines many different elements - the melee, the virtuoso acrobatics, wind-shooting, crushing combos, and magic.
- Gorgeous graphics and a new generation.
- An intriguing story, full of surprises and unexpected twists. Already familiar to fans of Devil May Cry characters - Dante, Trish, Lady - to meet with newcomers serial, Nero, Kyrie and Gloria. But who among them will survive the finale?

Minimum System Requirements:
-System: Windows XP / Vista
Processor: Pentium IV 3.2 GHz
Memory: 1 GB
-Video card: 256 MB, Shader Model 3.0 support, DX9-compatible
Audio-card: any DX9-compatible
Hard disk: 8 GB

Features RIPa:
- Do not cut / no perekadirovano
- Set in its own folder
- Author RIPa Skullptura
Devil May Cry 4 (2008/ENG/Full RIP by Skullptura)

Posted by ms timicha On 03:35
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